Sunday, April 19, 2020


A few new fixes.

- Add general option to not save control inversion so when you reload with confusion status it doesn't get "permanently" screwed up.  Also don't invert controls in menu or flammie when this is enabled.
- Fix issue where dying at Mech Rider 1 in vanilla randomizer mode would put you in the desert ship and you'd be softlocked there
- Fix issue where dying in one room in NTR would break the autosave


Tuesday, April 14, 2020


Minor fix

- Fix an issue where one Watts would sometimes give bad dialogue and not open his upgrade menu
- Reduce logging for open world manual complexity roms


Sunday, April 12, 2020


Fix a thing.

- Fix issue where spell orbs in sunken continent were not all triggerable in no-sprite or no-girl runs.


Sunday, April 5, 2020


A couple minor things.

- Fix issue where getting hit by a spell when you're charging your weapon would cause it to discharge.
- Fix issue where shrunken character palettes were wrong.
- Some additional hints and silly dialogue randomization for open world mode.
- Add open world option for random AI swaps of enemies.  This needs some tweaking before it's working particularly well, but for now it's kind of amusing.


Wednesday, April 1, 2020


After 2 and a half years of working on this thing, 1.0 is out!

It has a bunch of new stuff, including:
- Open World mode!  Start with the Flammie Drum and search the world for weapons, items, elements, characters, etc. needed to complete the game.  Several different ways to complete the game!  And more coming.
- Documentation for each mode (some still need to be filled out)
- Fix issues with having dialogue shortening disabled in Rando mode
- Various new options

ps. not an April Fools joke